Saturday 1 June 2013

Ascertaining A Personal and Worldly Transformation & Transmutation - Part One

"Decline from the public ways, walk in unfrequented paths - If you desire wisdom, seek it in solitude." - Pythagoras
You were that foundation 
Never gonna be another one, no.
I followed, so taken
So conditioned I could never let go.
Then sorrow, then sickness
Then the shock when you flip it on me.
So hollow, so vicious
So afraid I couldn't let myself see,
That I could never be held
Back up, no, I'll hold myself...

Most of us are finding ourselves in such sorry state of affairs.We are apart and a part of being apart from something. There's nothing to lean upon. And Nowhere To Go. 

 REMEDY - Do the following: 



Tube of Light

Beloved I AM Presence bright, 
Round me seal your tube of light 
From Ascended Master flame 
Called forth now in God's own name. 
Let it keep my temple free 
From all discord sent to me. 
I AM calling forth violet fire 
To blaze and transmute all desire, 
Keeping on in Freedom's name 
Till I AM one with the violet flame.
(Give three times)

Traveling Protection 

You can give this decree in full voice when you are driving your car and say it softly on public transportation. 

Lord Michael before, Lord Michael behind, 
Lord Michael to the right, Lord Michael to the left, 
Lord Michael above, Lord Michael below, 
Lord Michael, Lord Michael wherever I go! 
I AM his love protecting here! 
I AM his love protecting here! 
I AM his love protecting here!


Guard, Guard, Guard Us! 

Guard, guard, guard us! 
By the lightning of thy love! 
Guard, guard, guard us! 
By thy Great Self above! 
Guard, guard, guard us! 
By thy secret power of light! 
Guard, guard, guard us! 
By thy great and glorious might! 
And seal us safe forever 
In thy diamond heart of light!


I AM a Being of Violet Fire 

I AM the Purity God desires!


As you say this decree, visualize the violet flame bathing and cleansing your aura. See the flames dissolve the debris in and around it. You are saying, "I AM the purity God desires!" because you want to purify your aura of everything that is not of God. When you give this decree, visualize any negative energy that contacts these flames being instantaneously transmuted into the light of God.

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