Thursday 13 June 2013

Who are AM CHANANDA and his sister, Ascended Lady Master NAJAH?

Ascended Master Chananda is the chief of the Indian Council of the Great White Brotherhood and hierarch of the Cave of Light, the focus of the Great Divine Director in India. The Palace of Light located in a valley in the Himalayan Mountains behind the Cave of Light, is the home of Chananda and his sister, the Ascended Lady Master Najah

El Morya, Saint Germain, the Great Divine Director, Daniel and Nada Rayborn and others of the ascended hosts frequent this retreat as guests.

Chananda is particularly concerned with the problems of racial and religious divisions between people and with the future of India. Call to beloved Chananda, the Great Divine Director, El Morya and Saint Germain for the proper implementation of the plans for God-government throughout the world.

Godfré's Description of the Palace of Light:

Godfré Ray King journeyed to the Palace of Light along with Alexander Gaylord and Rex, Nada, Bob and Pearl. In The Magic Presence he describes a magnificent building of white onyx, four stories high with a great dome in the center.

As we came up the steps, the tones of a beautiful bell announced our arrival and welcomed us as guests of the retreat. In a moment, the great door opened and Najah stood there to greet us.

Call to beloved Chananda to Visit the Palace of Light:

A simple call to be taken to beloved Chananda's retreat:

In the name of the Krishna, my own Real Self, I call to the heart of the I AM Presence and to the angel of the Presence and to Archangel Michael and a cordon of blue-lightening angels, to take me in my soul and in my soul consciousness, fully equipped with the armor of God, to the Palace of Light retreat of beloved Chananda in the Himalayas.

I ask that my four lower bodies be charged and recharged with the Will of God, to learn the way of wisdom and the lessons of illumined action for the precipitation of the Krishna consciousness, and to be given the formula for the victory of the love flame within my heart. And I ask that all information necessary to the fulfillment of my divine plan be released to my outer waking consciousness as it is required. I thank thee and I accept this done in the full power of the Ascended Master Krishna.

1 comment:

  1. Words from the Master - Chananda

    Thoughtform of the Converging of the Flames of East and West:

    We send forth the thoughtform of the converging of the flames of East and West……Now we look to the horizontal figure-eight flow on the East/West bar. We look to the interaction between the United States and India and we look to that interaction to begin on the spiritual plane and thereby carry a light and a momentum of the Great White Brotherhood.

    Therefore, placing the focal point of the Mother and her chelas in the West as one extreme of the figure-eight, we desire to see the nucleus of light in India established so that there can be a perpetual flow over this figure-eight, and over that flow the transmutation of planetary karma.
