Saturday 1 June 2013

I Have a Dream - Universal Service of Light

I Have a Dream - Universal Service of Light

It is a simple thing to say a prayer or affirmation by yourself, but when you compound that with others intentions, energies and voices this grows magnified and stronger in power.

We are about the business of bringing light to this world, to raise the collective consciousness to a state of peace and tranquility and bring a new awareness to all mankind that seems so foreign to so many presently.

It is so easy sometimes to get caught up in daily life in the collective that we sometimes miss the point of what we are here to do.

With our combined intentions we can raise the vibrations of earth and can help elevate it into a higher state of being so it can better flood the areas of the world with light that need it.

We are co-workers banding together to make this a reality.

Will you join us today?

Spread the word to bring into all minds peace of mind that earth is ascending for all children inhabiting this sphere into light and life.

One small voice can make a difference; one dream can change the tides of this world such as the dream of Martin Luther King that once was only a dream.

We at the Universal Service of Light have a dream for this world as well.

We need your support and energies to bring about this vision into manifestation.

Everything first starts with a vision and through that vision in inter-working alongside the endless bounty of spirit and the fellow co-creators in the kingdom - vision is made manifest in reality.

I see the endless joining of voices and I see the coming together of all faiths and creeds, I see the infinite acceptance for all the Creator's children in unconditional love and acceptance.

I see judgment, tyranny and oppression a thing of the past replaced by the tides of love that will allow every man to love their neighbor as themselves.

I see chains now and forever broken today that once held children in fear, confusion, war, hatred, anger, greed, materialism, manipulation, deception, addiction and depression.

I see hearts set on fire with the knowledge and knowingness that we are not cut off and alone on some lone rock in outer space, but are a part of a Universal Brotherhood and family that cares deeply for our well being.

Allow all eyes to be opened to see You, our Creator, in every eye that we are graced to behold, for Your endless bounties cannot be defined by any stretch of the human imagination.

We ask that our intentions be magnified and that our prayers be flooded with spirit from the celestial and angelic forces for everyone that sees this message and adds there energy to it.
I AM claiming this promise today for our world, that eye has not seen, nor ear heard what God has in store for those who love Him.

We love you our Creator as we know You love us all unconditionally in all the world.

We can make a difference when we bring our dreams into the awareness's of others, but all the more so when we have a harmonic choir singing with us.

Pass it on brothers and sisters. We are all one big family on this great big planet called earth sharing each Eternal Moment in our waking realities as we pass by one another on our journeys of life.

We have a dream today for this world; will you join us in making it a reality?


  1. The Path of Brotherhood - by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet:

    Prior to the Fall, men and women lived blissfully in a golden-age paradise. Their souls evolved in love, peace and harmony. In the ages that occurred after the Fall, souls lost their moorings, their sense of unity and oneness with God. They became increasingly aware of their sense of separation and their outer differences. This book demonstrates how brotherhood is possible, and crucial, today.

    A golden age of the family and a plan for the youth of the world; The unity of all races and race as an expression of individuality;

    Compassion, forgiveness and the path of loving-kindness vs. criticism, condemnation and judgment;

    The counterfeit of the golden-age culture and the problem of economic inequality;

    Twin flames, soul mates, karmic marriages and relationships.

  2. Thanks Bhacon, for giving your enlightening views.

    God Bless You!
